Nuestra Comunidad


Los estudiantes de Live Oak son aprendices de por vida a los que nada les gusta más que un reto. Con su educación como base, persiguen sus pasiones en una amplia gama de disciplinas.

Los graduados de Live Oak son capaces de asumir la responsabilidad de ayudar a crear una sociedad justa. Se convierten en líderes con capacidad para afrontar los retos y las oportunidades de su generación.

Premio Alumni Changemaker

The Live Oak Alumni Changemaker Award is given yearly to an alum who models empathy and responsibility, demonstrates the capacity to create change in the community, and inspires action in others. In 2022, we honored our first Young Alumni Changemaker–a junior or senior in high school–recognizing that Live Oak students do not wait to make an impact in their communities. Most recently, we honored three Young Alumni Changemakers from the Class of 2020: Jordan McCornock, Liv Kirkeby, and Sebastian Horton-Vega. 

2023 Alumni Changemaker

Brendan O’Callaghan ‘02 is the 2023 Alumni Changemaker Award for his outstanding work in public affairs and politics. Currently, Brendan is the Vice President for Marketing, Communications, and External Affairs at Calbright College, California's first and only fully online community college.

With a focus on competency-based workforce training programs for adult learners, Calbright aims to build a more equitable economy for underserved communities across the state. “Higher education struggles to support working-age adults, especially those from already underserved communities. The challenge of building a new kind of public community college from the ground up, to support Californians is exciting,” shares Brendan of this role and Calbright’s mission. 

Brendan's passion for public affairs and politics has always been driven by his dedication to social justice and community development. He is a tireless advocate for historically marginalized communities and has used his platform to raise awareness about issues such as income inequality, access to healthcare, and systemic racism. His work has inspired others to take action and build a more just and equitable society.

2024 Young Alumni Changemakers

Sebastian Horton-Vega '20

As the co-founder of the program DiveIn, Stuart Hall High School senior Sebastian Horton-Vega gives swim lessons to kids at Rosa Parks Elementary School. Their mission is to provide kids from low income families the opportunity to learn water safety for free. After becoming a nationally certified lifeguard, Sebastian recruited members of the Stuart Hall swim team as well as other passionate swimmers to join DiveIn, increasing the program’s capacity to give equitable access to life-saving skills. As an athlete and an advocate, Sebastian went on to organize a Spikeball tournament to fundraise for Maui as they recuperate after the wildfires.
Growth, curiosity, and creativity were the three biggest things Live Oak prepared me with to be a changemaker. Throughout my time there, I was always supported to be myself and was never discouraged from trying out new things.

Liv Kirkeby '20

Leader of the Book Society at Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory, senior Liv Kirkeby, leveraged her role to get her community excited about reading. She coordinated fundraisers for the World Literacy Foundation and collaborated with another school club, Advocacy in Action, to organize a book drive to supply books for another high school’s library that was in need of more resources. Liv was able to incentivize involvement in these fundraisers by turning them into fun club activities. Her role as the Book Society president included coordinating with Sacred Heart’s English department to establish and promote a summer reading project. Moving forward, Liv would like to research how to assist communities most affected by climate change. Her goal is to help the environment by finding more lifestyle changes that are affordable and accessible to all regardless of income, location, or background.
Live Oak prepared me to be a changemaker through their emphasis on social justice. My classes always had a focus on real-world application and the importance of using my knowledge to benefit others, not just to get a good grade.

Jordan McCornock '20

Through a class at Urban High School, senior Jordan McCornock had the opportunity to visit California Medical Facility, a medium-security prison in Vacaville, California. She spent two full days facilitating conversations with inmates. Through the connections she made, she was able to write to the parole board on behalf of an inmate who was later released in June 2023. Embracing the power of writing to affect change, Jordan went on to volunteer with The Beat Within, a publication written by incarcerated youth. Jordan is currently the Editor in Chief, Creative of the Urban High School newspaper and is a part of the Program Innovation Committee pioneering a new course on digital citizenship. In college, she hopes to further study government and law.
Live Oak prepared me to open myself up to new experiences and be OK with the uncomfortable. Live Oak encourages students to step outside of their comfort zones and go out into their communities to make change.

Conoce a todos nuestros Alumni Changemakers

¡Manténgase en contacto!

Aunque nuestros ex alumnos ya no caminen por los pasillos de Live Oak (¡aunque algunos todavía lo hacen!), eso no significa que queramos decirles adiós. Nos enorgullecemos de crear conexiones significativas con nuestros estudiantes, y estas no son relaciones que terminan con la graduación.

Nos fortalece la participación de los ex alumnos en la vida de Live Oak. Nos encanta saber en qué andas, celebrar tus éxitos y ofrecerte apoyo para alcanzar tus metas. Cada año, organizamos reuniones de clase para reconectarlos con la comunidad mientras se preparan para la vida después de la escuela secundaria. Animamos a todos nuestros ex alumnos a que vuelvan a visitarnos o a ser voluntarios en Live Oak. A medida que nuestra comunidad de ex alumnos crece y se vuelve cada vez más activa, esperamos organizar reuniones regionales y contar con el liderazgo de los ex alumnos para crear oportunidades adicionales de compromiso. 

La Oficina de Promoción ha creado un grupo en LinkedIn (Live Oak School); animamos a todos los ex alumnos, profesores y padres de Live Oak a participar. LinkedIn es una gran manera de conectarse y reconectarse con compañeros de clase y profesores, mientras que la ampliación de su red profesional.

Además, si quieres estar al día de lo que ocurre cada semana en Live Oak, síguenos en Facebook e Instagram para ver actualizaciones, fotos y vídeos.

También puede ayudarnos a estar al día rellenando este formulario de noticias e información de contacto.

Ya sea que se conecte con nosotros en LinkedIn, Facebook, o pasando por nuestro campus de Mariposa, ¡esperamos escuchar lo que ha estado haciendo!


La Escuela Live Oak da la bienvenida y admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color, origen nacional y étnico, estatus de ciudadanía, identidad de género, expresión de género, orientación sexual y fe a todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades de la Escuela Live Oak. La Escuela Live Oak no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional y étnico, estatus de ciudadanía, identidad de género, expresión de género, orientación sexual y fe en la administración de sus políticas y programas educativos, políticas de admisión, programa de Matrícula Ajustada, y programas deportivos y otros administrados por la escuela.