Sobre nosotros


Nothing is more important to us than the teaching and learning that takes place at our school. Every member of our professional staff plays a role in fulfilling the promise and potential of each child. We do this by employing passionate, curious, and engaged thought leaders in differentiating instruction and progressive education. Holding true to our school values, we actively seek to promote diversity and inclusion in our administration, faculty, and student body.
Desde nuestro modelo de enseñanza conjunta en la escuela inferior hasta nuestro compromiso con el desarrollo profesional continuo y la experiencia compartida en todos los niveles, nos enorgullecemos del entusiasmo de cada empleado por ser un aprendiz permanente. Nuestro rico plan de estudios involucra a los estudiantes en el aprendizaje práctico y equilibra los aspectos académicos, artísticos y deportivos con la educación para la equidad y la justicia social. Nuestra misión refleja la importancia de conocer bien a cada alumno y responder en consecuencia, una responsabilidad que comparten todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad escolar.

Puestos vacantes

List of 6 items.

  • AFTER SCHOOL- Spanish Language Instructor

    Live Oak is accepting resumes for an After School Spanish Language instructor. This position will teach after school Spanish to students in kindergarten through eighth grades.
    Applicants should have experience as classroom instructors, professional training, enjoy collaborative work, demonstrate a commitment to issues of equity and social justice, and feel a resonance with the school’s mission, vision, values, and facilitate the well-being of the students in a fun, structured and supportive after school environment. Please submit a resume, and cover letter.

    Primary Responsibilities:
    • The After School Spanish Language instructor is responsible for the planning and implementation of the Live Oak School After School Spanish program, following the school’s educational philosophy, establishing scope and sequence, and adopted resources.
    • Desarrollar y aplicar prácticas de evaluación sólidas; proporcionar información periódica a los estudiantes.
    • Lead daily academic and enrichment activities
    • Language instruction that builds upon the Spanish language learning objectives.
    • Cultivate active, ongoing communication with parents and the school community.
    • Mediate disputes using conflict resolution strategies.
    • Maintain school facilities in an orderly and well-kept manner
    • Estimated course load: Teach two group classes for second through eighth graders (2 sessions per week) as well as one-on-one private language lessons.
    • Collaborate with the Program Coordinator and the Director of Extended Day Programs in providing students with academic and social support.
    • Minimum two years of proven experience working with school-age students 5- 14 years of age.
    • You are available to work between 2:00- 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, immediate to mid-May 2025.
    • Understanding of youth development principles.
    • Able to work independently, take initiative, be flexible, and be adaptable to a variety of jobs.
    • Demonstrate ability to work effectively in collaboration with others.
    • Experience tutoring, creating, and leading daily activities.
    Compensation for this position: $100-$150 per hour DOE.
    This is a part-time job.
    This is at a non-profit organization.

    Apply for this position here. 
  • Profesor de Humanidades de Secundaria

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    Live Oak is accepting resumes for a Middle School Humanities Teacher to begin in August, 2025. Applicants should have experience as head teachers, professional training, enjoy collaborative work on curriculum development, demonstrate a commitment to issues of equity and social justice, and feel a resonance with the school’s mission, vision, values, and educational philosophy. Please submit a resume and complete supplemental questions to apply. 
    This is a full time position and reports to the Middle School Division Director.

    Responsabilidades principales del profesor de Humanidades de Secundaria:
    • The middle school humanities teacher is responsible for the planning, consistent documentation, and implementation of the middle school humanities program, in accordance with the department standards and school’s educational philosophy, established scope and sequence, and adopted resources.
    • Estimated course load: Teach 2 sections of 1 grade level of humanities; oversee a weekly club; and participate in duties and study halls.
    • Engage in self-reflection and professional growth through goal setting, participation in the PGP program, and attending PD opportunities.
    • Dirigir un grupo asesor de estudiantes de enseñanza media, colaborar con el equipo de nivel de grado sobre el contenido.
    • Collaborate with Middle School Learning Specialist, School Counselor, and Deans in providing students with academic and social support, and attend family/support meetings as needed.

    Funciones y responsabilidades esenciales:
    • Participar en las reuniones del personal, de la división de enseñanza media, del departamento de humanidades y del equipo, según sea necesario para lograr los objetivos del programa.
    • Facilitate and record notes for advisees’ student-led Fall and Spring parent conferences.
    • Desarrollar y aplicar prácticas de evaluación sólidas; proporcionar información periódica a los estudiantes.
    • Preparar los boletines de notas trimestrales y los informes parciales.
    • Orientar el trabajo de la carpeta de los alumnos.
    • Coordina Acorn Stories.
    • Coordinar las excursiones de humanidades y participar en las excursiones de asesoramiento a lo largo del año.
    • Communicate regularly with families (send assessed work home, and write posts to class websites and articles).
    • Dirige un Grove.
    • Participar en el programa de sustitución interna de la escuela media.
    • Supervisar a los alumnos durante el almuerzo, el recreo y las asambleas de la escuela media.
    • Colaborar con el equipo de grado en la planificación y puesta en práctica de la Orientación de Nuevos Alumnos.

    Expectativas adicionales del programa:
    • Apoya el trabajo de admisiones acogiendo visitas guiadas y visitantes, así como participando en la jornada de puertas abiertas de la Escuela Media.
    • Participate in the Middle School BTSN.
    • Participa en el Campamento Live Oak.
    • Apoyar a los estudiantes durante un evento nocturno, como el Festival de Música de Secundaria, el baile de secundaria o la noche de cine.
    • Asistir al Festival de Música de la EM/Producciones Dramáticas de la EM/Exposición de Arte.
    • Participar en el viaje educativo nocturno de educación al aire libre.
    • Redactar discursos para los graduados y asistir a la Ceremonia de Reflexión de Octavo Grado (se determinará en función de la experiencia previa con la promoción).
    Click here to apply to this position.

  • Profesor de matemáticas de secundaria

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    Live Oak School supports the potential and promise of each student. We provide a strong academic foundation, develop personal confidence and the ability to collaborate with others, inspire students to act with compassion and integrity, and nurture a passion for learning to last a lifetime.
    Live Oak is accepting resumes for a Middle School Math Teacher to begin in August, 2025. Applicants should have experience as head teachers, professional training, enjoy collaborative work on curriculum development, demonstrate a commitment to issues of equity and social justice, and feel a resonance with the school’s mission, vision, values, and educational philosophy. Please submit a resume and complete supplemental questions to apply. 
    This is a full time position and reports to the Middle School Division Director.

    Primary Responsibilities of the Middle School Math Teacher:
    • The middle school math teacher is responsible for the planning, consistent documentation, and implementation of the middle school math program, in accordance with the department standards and school’s educational philosophy, established scope and sequence, and adopted resources.
    • Estimated course load: Teach 4 sections of 1 grade level of math; oversee math enrichment; a weekly club; and participate in duties and study halls.
    • Engage in self-reflection and professional growth through goal setting, participation in the PGP program, and attending PD opportunities.
    • Dirigir un grupo asesor de estudiantes de enseñanza media, colaborar con el equipo de nivel de grado sobre el contenido.
    • Collaborate with Middle School Learning Specialist, School Counselor, and Deans in providing students with academic and social support, and attend family/support meetings as needed.

    Funciones y responsabilidades esenciales:
    • Participate in staff, middle school division, math department, team meetings as needed to accomplish the goals of the program.
    • Facilitate and record notes for advisees’ student-led Fall and Spring parent conferences.
    • Desarrollar y aplicar prácticas de evaluación sólidas; proporcionar información periódica a los estudiantes.
    • Preparar los boletines de notas trimestrales y los informes parciales.
    • Orientar el trabajo de la carpeta de los alumnos.
    • Coordina Acorn Stories.
    • Coordinate math field trips and participate in advisory field trips throughout the year.
    • Communicate regularly with families (send assessed work home, and write posts to class websites and articles).
    • Dirige un Grove.
    • Participar en el programa de sustitución interna de la escuela media.
    • Supervisar a los alumnos durante el almuerzo, el recreo y las asambleas de la escuela media.
    • Colaborar con el equipo de grado en la planificación y puesta en práctica de la Orientación de Nuevos Alumnos.

    Expectativas adicionales del programa:
    • Apoya el trabajo de admisiones acogiendo visitas guiadas y visitantes, así como participando en la jornada de puertas abiertas de la Escuela Media.
    • Participate in the Middle School BTSN.
    • Participa en el Campamento Live Oak.
    • Apoyar a los estudiantes durante un evento nocturno, como el Festival de Música de Secundaria, el baile de secundaria o la noche de cine.
    • Asistir al Festival de Música de la EM/Producciones Dramáticas de la EM/Exposición de Arte.
    • Participar en el viaje educativo nocturno de educación al aire libre.
    • Redactar discursos para los graduados y asistir a la Ceremonia de Reflexión de Octavo Grado (se determinará en función de la experiencia previa con la promoción).
    Click here to apply to this position. 

    Buscamos un Líder de Programa Extraescolar con experiencia para una Escuela Independiente de K-8º grado. Estamos ubicados en la soleada Potrero Hill de San Francisco. La misión de nuestra escuela es apoyar el potencial y la promesa de cada estudiante. Proporcionamos una base académica sólida, desarrollamos la confianza personal y la capacidad de colaborar con los demás, inspiramos a los estudiantes a actuar con compasión e integridad, y alimentamos una pasión por el aprendizaje para toda la vida. El deber principal del Líder del Programa Extraescolar es ayudar a facilitar el bienestar de los estudiantes en un ambiente extraescolar divertido, estructurado y de apoyo. El puesto es a tiempo parcial.

    Por favor aplique aquí.

    Live Oak siempre está interesado en educadores que quieran saber más sobre oportunidades profesionales en el Colegio Live Oak. Comparta su currículum y carta de presentación si desea que nos pongamos en contacto con usted cuando se abran puestos que puedan encajar con sus intereses y experiencia.

    Presente su solicitud aquí 

    La escuela Live Oak está buscando candidatos para trabajar como profesor sustituto. Se prefiere experiencia en la enseñanza.

    Por favor aplique aquí.

A Live Oak Career...

Supports Your Entire Well-Being

Our faculty and staff enjoy a range of comprehensive health, dental, and vision benefits, along with mental health resources to support your whole self.

Builds Teamwork

You will be a valued member of a team of dedicated educators who work collaboratively to provide a one-of-a-kind education. Exchange ideas as a lower school co-teacher or build inter-curricular projects in middle school.

Fosters Learning & Growth

Staff and faculty have a wealth of professional development opportunities at their disposal. Attend a conference, undergo specialized content training, or earn a certification. Live Oak even offers funding to help you pursue an advanced degree that supports your journey as an educator.

Is Inclusive of All

Affinity spaces and events bring our staff, faculty, families, and students together in shared celebration of culture and identity. Members of our faculty & staff annually attend the national People of Color Conference and take an active role as peer leaders in Live Oak's SEED (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity) chapter, providing important opportunities to engage in equity-driven initiatives.

Opens Doors to the World

Step beyond the classroom and help your students explore the world for themselves. With regular field trips at all grade levels, middle school outdoor education, and the school-wide Camp Live Oak you will get to experience the world and help open your students' eyes to meaningful learning.

Invites you into our community

You will be part of a dynamic community where your contributions will be integral to the life of Live Oak School, offering your unique talents, skills, and interests as a sports coach, club moderator, grade level advisor, committee member, or professional development leader.

Employment at Live Oak

List of 6 items.

  • 100%

    Expenses covered for faculty & staff to attend PD conferences and workshops, including registration, travel, lodging, and meals
  • 55%

    Faculty & staff of color
  • 61

    Faculty & staff who live in the city of San Francisco
  • 75th

    Percentile and above at which Live Oak benchmarks faculty & staff salaries, keeping them competitive with comparable schools and districts
  • 85%

    Faculty who have at least 5+ years of teaching experience
  • 90+

    Average number of annual professional development hours each faculty/staff member undergoes, including weekly in-service sessions to participation in conferences and workshops
La Escuela Live Oak da la bienvenida y admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color, origen nacional y étnico, estatus de ciudadanía, identidad de género, expresión de género, orientación sexual y fe a todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades de la Escuela Live Oak. La Escuela Live Oak no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional y étnico, estatus de ciudadanía, identidad de género, expresión de género, orientación sexual y fe en la administración de sus políticas y programas educativos, políticas de admisión, programa de Matrícula Ajustada, y programas deportivos y otros administrados por la escuela.