Get Ready for Acorn Stories

By: Lianna Kali, Director of Instructional Innovation
Each grade has been hard at work over the last few weeks putting together their hard copy versions of Acorn Stories. Since the school’s inception, Live Oak students have been publishing selected polished writing pieces that represent their exemplary work for the year.
In the past Acorn Stories have been published as one large volume that contained all grade levels’ work. Then, up until last year, Acorn Stories were published digitally. But starting last year and continuing for this year, each grade level is creating their own book, each with a unique look and binding style that students have been producing in the ChangeMaker Lab. The newest iteration of Acorn Stories are intended to be student-led, making them the creators of their own finished product as they learn and apply the skills necessary for each year’s book format. Starting in kindergarten, students are making stapled books with hand-drawn covers. As they move along in their K-8 journey, their production will get more and more sophisticated – building skills like sewn binding, saddle stitching, and stab binding – until they produce hardback bound books in the eighth grade. With each year’s finished collection, students will be able to truly show their growth in their writing styles and complexity, as well as their development of new design and production skills.    

Over the next month and a half, be on the lookout for your child to come home with their copy of Acorn Stories and happy reading!


La Escuela Live Oak da la bienvenida y admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color, origen nacional y étnico, estatus de ciudadanía, identidad de género, expresión de género, orientación sexual y fe a todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades de la Escuela Live Oak. La Escuela Live Oak no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional y étnico, estatus de ciudadanía, identidad de género, expresión de género, orientación sexual y fe en la administración de sus políticas y programas educativos, políticas de admisión, programa de Matrícula Ajustada, y programas deportivos y otros administrados por la escuela.